Thursday, November 15, 2012

Behind Schedule!

 I got behind on my Softie-a-Day November Challenge. In my defense, it's because I was busy preparing for and running a half marathon on Sunday! WOW. I am amazing! Then I had to recover from it by sleeping a whole bunch. Don't worry. I'm sort of back on track. Sort of.  
 Ugh, THIS owl! This owl is my punishment for having a life outside of crafting. I broke a sewing machine needle on it. I'm down to my last machine needle! Furthermore, I don't like the design. Why didn't I give it little felted rosy cheeks instead of that dumb heart belly? One of its little heartstrings came out! I can't even look at it. What a redheaded stepchild of a softie. I'm sorry, owl. It doesn't even have a name. 
Made another one of these and took a weird, blurry photo of it (thanks for nothing, moon mountain setting?). Love the colors, design. Hate my complicated camera. I'm sorry, continuing education digital photography class! 
Desperate to have at least two ornaments to show for last night's Goodie Club meeting, I churned out this little guy for Tobs, who very much enjoyed an onion ornament I made a few years ago, and wanted some accompanying produce.   

I hope to close the now three softie gap between my track to my goal and my current batch of softie ornaments. Also, working on an Etsy, and several specific requests. Will advise, followers! 

1 comment:

  1. you ARE amazing, and i love the vegetable ornaments. mayhaps i can work on an artichoke one with you during a wine-and-crafting night? too ambitious for a novice crafter? we shall see.
