These are some lunches I've made. I leave the office in the middle of the day and go to my empty house. Once there, I prepare what's known as a "Meal for One." This one included mixed rotini tossed with olive oil, steamed broccoli and snap peas, fake chicken and parmesan. I had a cupcake for dessert.

I became very inspired by sandwiches the week this masterpiece was created. I call it "Princess Emily" because it is jam packed with scrumptious and surprising ingredients.

And here they all are. Princess Emily: deconstructed.

This is a beautiful "Frankenmeal," a meal made from random leftovers and kitchen odds and ends. I whipped up some scratch pico de gallo with spicy aji paste and threw it on cheesy scrambled eggs, which I set atop a nest of wilted spinach and tortilla chips. Then I added some avocado sun beams. I call it "Sol Huevos," or Sun Eggs.
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