Nope, I'm not letting this blog die--11 month hiatus, be damned! I recently acquired a cabinet after lusting after it on Craiglist for a week. It was a good cabinet; tall, spacious, all the things a cabinet should be. But it was kind of ugly, so I decided to customize it to my liking.
It started out looking like this:
I took off the ugly knobs and sanded it down for a long time. Then I went to Lowe's and a helpful lass in the paint department sold me two sample sized paints of this pleasant green. I applied three or four coats.
Also at Lowe's I picked up a spray-on sealant and two new knobs. I applied the sealant liberally many times over because if lugging it in and out of the house while working on it is any indication, this cabinet is going to take a serious beating in my possession.
Last, I hauled all my craft stuff out of the big cabinet in the office, organized the supplies within--much of which was haphazardly stashed in a series of plastic bags in various states of tatters--and put it all in new, more organized containers in my new cabinet.
Now I don't really have any excuse not to be crafting. All my stuff is organized and in one spot. I can only imagine that my many dear readers can expect a sudden burst in activity on this here blog. Yessiree. So...See you soon, then!